Become a member

Benefits of membership

Fair Trade Forum-India (FTF-I) welcomes NGOs / Trusts / Cooperatives / Companies and Individuals as members who share vision, values and the objectives of Fair Trade Forum-India and those who want to be part of this National network. This will help in strengthening the Fair-trade concept; support its spread effect and network for better impact and mutual benefit for both the Producers and the Consumers with mutual concern.   Following are the benefits of membership:

  • Recognition of your organization as’ Fair Trade’
  • National and international recognition as a socially oriented organization and thus greater credibility
  • Being a part of a national network that is recognized by the WFTO and WFTO Asia
  • Market linkage and networking opportunities
  • Promotion of your organisation, producers and your product lines
  • Ability to participate in fairs and exhibitions in collaboration with government bodies facilitated by FTF-I
  • Access to business development services and capacity building opportunities and trainings
  • Rights to use FTF-I logo on your website and other printed or online marketing materials
  • Rights to come under the Retail Brand FAIR TRADE INDIA
  • Opportunity to learn from the experience and best practices of other member organizations